My girls were invited to a birthday party for their friend, Mia (her mom is Katie from Mia Moo Design). Anyway, I found this cute doll at a store near our house but she needed a little bit more style. So, to accomplish this I made her a dress out of some scrap fabric that I had at the house, which happened to match a dress Mia's mom made her (check out her dress here). I added a few hair clips and a neclace to add to the present. Here's how it turned out.

I think she liked it! :)
(Don't you just love Mia's dress? The party had a Mermaid theme and her mom made her this dress to match it. So cleaver! Want to see more of her party look HERE!)

Oh and I made this cupcake bead for her too. I saw one similar to it at Bead Divas and had to see if I could recreate it. I used Sculpty clay for the bottom of the cupcake and the frosting. After I cooked it I added some sparkle to the frosting with nail polish, and sprayed it with a high gloss craft spray. Then to finish the look I put the red bead on top for the cherry. It was a fun, fast and easy project and one that I will do again!
Amber, thank you so much for all the work you put into Mia's birthday gift! She named her doll Lucy and is in love with her! YOu are so talented :) Glad we're friends!